Challenges facing orthopaedic and anaesthetic communities due to COVID 19 in UK


The Geriatric Orthopaedic Association of India and Magna Wave Initiative host a 'Teatime Orthopaedic Educational Video Conference' to discuss the challenges facing orthopaedic and anaesthetic communities in UK due to the Novel Covid-19 virus

I participated as a faculty member at the Geriatric Orthopaedic Association of India and Magna Wave Initiative ‘Teatime’ video conference which was set up to discuss the challenges of Novel Covid-19 from an orthopaedic and anaesthetic perspective. Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rajesh Malhotra, New Dehli  and Doctor Daniela Smith, Consultant Anaesthetist Bristol Royal Infirmary also acted as faculty. Moderator of the conference was Dr SS Amarnath, Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director Geriatric Orthopaedic Association of India, Secreatary Geriatric Orthopaedic Society of India and Director of the Academy Trauma & Orthopaedic Master Surgeons. 

The interactive conference was live streamed to hundreds of doctors and social, psychological and economic issues and the general response of the way in which the medical fraternity is managing the pandemic was debated. Presentations identified the rapidly changing role of orthopaedic surgeons and surgery; as well as the way in which anaesthetics has adapted to working on the front line during this global crisis. Personal protection equipment and the treatment of carrier and non-carrier patients was discussed. 

The meeting was well attended and received by all involved. It was generally felt that this special ‘Teatime Session’ had been a worthwhile event.

Stay safe. Follow government advice - stay at home and keep well at this troubling time.


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